Kitchen Table Memories to Last a Lifetime

Kitchen Table Memories to Last a Lifetime

Our kitchen table is starting to show it’s age.  The grout between the tiles is getting dirty and harder to keep clean.  There are paint stains from art projects gone wrong and initials carved into it from a small boy who knew better but couldn’t help himself.  It isn’t quite big enough for us any more and on more than … Read more

Labels Belong on Boxes, Not Children

I was at the meditation center with my 14 year old daughter last week and we were looking at a bulletin board for upcoming meetings.  We saw a flyer advertising an LGBTQA meeting taking place the next week.  My daughter told me that it should really read LGBTQA+.  The PLUS was for people who didn’t fit into any of the … Read more

A Successful Child Questions What Parents Teach Them

Teaching our children

Do you feel that a successful child needs to grow up with the values that you teach them? Last weekend, my 15 year old son was confirmed into the Lutheran church.  After 4 years of confirmation classes, he was thrilled to finally be able to stand up in front of the congregation and make a commitment to God and the … Read more

Communicating with kids: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

When I was a kid, there wasn’t a lot of communication going on with my parents.  They were great…I seriously have an awesome relationship with my mom and dad but we didn’t sit down and discuss the stuff kids really need to know about.  There was an awkward moment when I was 11 where mom handed me a few books … Read more

It’s okay to be a girl, just don’t act like one

Do you ever find yourself saying something to your kid that just doesn’t come out quite the way you had intended it to?  Like, it sounded really good in your brain but the minute the words came out of your mouth you stopped and went “Uh, wait a minute…”.  I had that moment with my daughter a while ago when … Read more

Game of Thrones and the Definition of Kinky

Is your teen an avid reader? Are they asking to read Game of Thrones? Do you know what is in the book? Here is one mom’s quick introduction to what may or may not be in there. Are there real thrones in the Game of Thrones? Let me just state for the record that I have no idea what the … Read more