Musings from the Front Door

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Earlier this afternoon I went outside to shake out my bathroom rug and took a look at my front door.  I’m pretty sure that today was the first time that door had been opened in weeks.  The door was covered in cobwebs and the porch was buried under a layer of leaves.  A sad state of affairs for something that is supposed to scream ‘Welcome to my home!’.  I’m pretty sure mine screams ‘Help!  I am being neglected!’.

Musings from the Front Door

Musings from the Front Door

Growing up, the front door of our house in Connecticut was a hub of activity.  Kids came and went with reckless abandon.  Neighbors brought over a cup of sugar or a pile of magazines to share with my mom.  People showed up trying to sell us things like encyclopedias or a new vacuum cleaner.  My parents still have the encyclopedias but the vacuum has long since been replaced.  Our front door was always open with just a screen between me and the rest of our happy little neighborhood.  I still remember the sound of people knocking on it and yelling “Anybody home?’…usually a split second before opening that door and wandering right in to look for us.  We had a fairly open door policy when it came to visitors.

My front door, however, does not get visitors.  Well, I take that back…there are frequent bible carrying visitors at my front door wanting to teach me all about how their religion will help keep me out of hell.  I usually hide when I hear them knocking on the front door. I’ll find my own way to Heaven, thankyou very much.  It’s times like that when I appreciate a solid wood door between me and my front porch!

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I think that my lonely front porch is probably not unique in this society.  I think fewer and fewer people are willing to leave their front door open on the off chance that a neighbor might stop by to visit.  Maybe it’s just a reflection of the society we live in ….fearful for our safety and distrustful of our neighbors.  Maybe it’s just the fact that I live in a large metropolitan area instead of a small town in Connecticut.   Regardless of the reason WHY, I don’t see my front porch getting very many visitors in the foreseeable future.

I take that back…I left the caterpillar cocoon in the corner of my front door. I hope that caterpillar appreciates the flowers I put out there. He’s probably the only one that will ever see them.


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