Unless the latest outfit of the day includes a scrunchie I’m not wearing it

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As a mom blogger (in my spare time), I spend a lot of time on the internet.  I am truly amazed at how many fashion bloggers there are out there.  They all have perfectly coiffed hair, fingernails painted with decorative designs, trendy clothes and matching accessories for their outfit of the day.  Most of these fashion bloggers look like they stepped off a runway just to take a trip down to the mailbox to grab the newspaper.  They are the epitome of fashion perfection.

I am not a fashion blogger.   Nor am I even remotely fashionable at all.  In fact, my teenagers regularly point out that my outfit may not be suitable to be seen in public.  Too bad.  As long as I am not naked when I leave the house I call that a successful day.

My lack of fashion sense doesn’t seem to be ruining my marriage.  probably because my husband is just as fashion hopeless as I am. 

woman in dress putting hair in bun

My Outfit of the Day Needs a Scrunchie to Work

I seriously have to wonder if these fashion bloggers actually DO anything in the ‘outfit of the day’ they show off on the internet. After spending 3 hours painting their fingernails did they go stick their hands in dishwater to clean up the lunch dishes?

Those 3 inch heals make their legs look sexy…as they strolled up and down the grocery isle.

Oh, and that miniskirt and 47 matching bangles must have been a big hit at the park when they pushed their kid on the swings.

I am pretty sure most of these fashion bloggers get up in the morning, spend 3 hours doing their hair and nails, put on a sexy outfit with matching accessories and pose for 27 photographs.  Then they go  BACK to their closet and change into yoga pants and put their hair up in a scrunchy.

Because seriously, yoga pants and scrunchies are comfortable. And sexy.  Right? Best outfit of the day ever.

And that is why I am not getting hit on in the grocery store.


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